The Housing Chronicles Blog: Is the lending faucet beginning to open?

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Is the lending faucet beginning to open?

According to a story in today's Wall Street Journal (via, the lending faucet may be finally squeaking open -- at least for certain commercial real estate projects. From the article:

An influx of fresh capital into U.S. commercial real estate is bringing some long-stalled development projects back to life and launching new construction of apartments, office buildings and shopping centers.

The moves show that the industry, in a deep slump just a year ago, has entered recovery mode—at least in the nation's largest and healthiest markets. Analysts say the improved economy is giving rise to pockets of demand for new commercial space, while low yields on other investments prompt investors to seek higher returns in real estate...

Of course, the U.S. still is dotted with thousands of stalled construction sites, ranging from struggling apartment projects on the Brooklyn, N.Y., waterfront to shells of buildings in suburban Sacramento, Calif. And it will take years to replace more than two million construction jobs, or about 30% of the 2006 peak, lost since the real-estate bubble popped...

But office buildings and other projects could help cushion the U.S. economy if public-sector building declines, as expected, due to government budget cuts and waning economic-stimulus aid...

Click here for entire article.

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